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Job searching
Something to get excited about
With all the value you receive by partnering with Kelly and working with our recruiters, it's hard to believe that our services to you are completely free!
We know that the stress and time commitment of finding a job on your own can be enormous. That’s why partnering with Kelly is so beneficial. We’re there every step of the way to guide and advocate for you—real people working to help you find the right job.
There are many ways to jump into your job search on myKelly. And once you’ve applied to a job or submitted your credentials, you’re in our talent pool—meaning your credentials are accessible to our 1,000+ recruiters.
Keep reading to learn more.
So, what exactly is temporary work—and is it for me?
Good question. The way people work is changing, and the modern workforce has different demands now. Enter temporary, or independent, work. It’s probably different (and better) than what you’re imagining. Sure, it might feel a little less familiar than “traditional” work, but it also opens up a world of possibilities and freedom to pursue what’s next in your career.
Want to work on a project you’re passionate about for a year, then move across the country? Sure, why not? Want to find the perfect job that still allows you to pick your kids up from school? Yep, we can do that, too. We’ll be there to connect you with the career options that work best for you—helping you work at your own pace, in your own way.
Job searching is hard, and the same old work routine doesn’t work for everyone. We believe in advocating for those who want to reach their fullest potential through independent work. Let us help you:

Get access to top companies.

Get noticed by the right people.

Get your foot in the door.

Test-drive a career.

Build a bridge to a long-term position.

Build your skills, your résumé, and your network.

Get access to free training.

Looking for something more long-term? Let’s talk about temporary-to-hire jobs.
We have exclusive connections to companies that are looking to make long-term hires. We’ll hire you to work with a company for an agreed-upon trial period, you’ll evaluate if the job works for you, and, if all goes well, you’ll have the opportunity to get hired officially by the company. We get your foot in the door, and you take it from there!
Interested in a direct-hire opportunity?
When companies have open positions, they turn to us to find the perfect direct-hire fit. Here’s how it works: we advocate for you and help you through the recruiting and hiring process, and then you’re hired directly by the company (meaning you’re on their payroll and eligible for their benefits). “Direct hire” maybe, but we think “best of both worlds” sums it up better.
Job Search Features
We have many job search features, each with distinct benefits and capabilities.
These are available to anyone on
- Enhanced Job Search
- Browse Jobs
- Trending Jobs
- Similar Jobs
When you create a profile on, these features become available:
- Job Alerts: set up and receive job alerts.
- Saved Jobs: view jobs you've saved.
- Applied for Jobs: view already applied for jobs.
Enhanced Job Search
Our job filters and keyword fields let you get very specific with your search. When you start any search, you’ll have the following filters available:
- Key Word Search
- Location
- Country (U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico)
- On-site or Remote
- Employment Type (full or part-time, per diem, direct or temp-to-direct hire, and temporary)
- Job Categories (see below)
Job Category Filters
Accounting / Finance Contact Center Creative Services Education Electronic Assembly Engineering Healthcare |
Information Technology Legal Light Industrial Marketing Office Professional (Other) Scientific |
Browse Jobs
Use this feature to browse our job category pages—which is not the same as the job search filters. Our job category pages provide a more in-depth look into our job areas. Here you’ll find more information about jobs in these categories.
See Types of Jobs Offered for more details. From this section, you can also view individual job category pages.
Trending Jobs
These are the jobs we highlight if we think they might be of particular interest. They could be hot jobs, have limited availability, or applications might be closing soon.
See Trending Jobs
Similar Jobs
This feature will show you jobs similar to other jobs you may be interested in. Similar jobs use the same criteria associated with a job you’re looking at or have previously applied for. This offers an easy way to keep exploring your area of interest.
Job Alerts
You’ll need a profile to create job alerts, or access saved and previously applied for jobs.
Note: You can have unlimited job alerts.
- Creating job alerts is similar to how you might perform a job search. You’ll:
- Enter in job title or keyword(s), and/or
- Enter a location.
- There is an option to turn on the filter for remote jobs.
- Next, give the job alert a name. (Tip: use the filters you selected in your name to better track the alerts you receive.)
- Determine the frequency that you would like to receive the emails.
And save.
Remember: Job Alerts expire after 90 days.
Saved Jobs
Note: You’ll need to be signed in to your profile to save jobs.
When you perform a job search and see the results, you’ll see jobs listed as a content box—one for each job available. In the upper right corner of the job box is a heart.
Simply select the heart to save a job to your saved jobs list. To remove the saved job, select the heart again.
Saved jobs will appear on your homepage to review at your convenience.
See Applied for Jobs
Note: You’ll need to be signed in to your profile to see previously applied for jobs.
Types of Jobs Offered
Kelly jobs are grouped into nine categories associated with industries you may recognize.
We do this because we know that the work, skills, experience, and credentials required for positions in individual areas are different. This is also why our recruiters are rooted in the industries they serve—so they have the inside scoop and expertise on finding a job in a specific industry.
Learn more about the recruitment process.
Job Categories
We consider ourselves experts in finding you jobs within these categories. Click on the job category to visit the job category page and see related jobs and FAQs.
Job Descriptions
Reading through job descriptions can be overwhelming and time-consuming.
Therefore, to help you read descriptions on myKelly, we include standard items you can expect to see. Below, we’ve compiled a short list of the things you might find while searching.
Job Review Box
These show up on a job search result page. Job review boxes are a brief overview of a posted job, letting you quickly scroll through and scan for opportunities you’d like to explore.
These job boxes contain the following:
- Remote Jobs - a green tag in the upper left corner will appear with the word “Remote” if applicable.
- Days Posted - the number of days a posting has been available will appear in the upper right corner.
- Saved Jobs - a heart appears in the upper right corner. Clicking on the heart will save a job to your saved jobs list when you are signed in to your profile. When saved, the heart turns green.
- Job Title - appears in bold in the middle of the job box.
- Apply Now - appears as a green button on the right side of the job box.
- Summary Banner - appears on the bottom of the job box and provides the job location, employment type, job category, and compensation. Even if remote, the location may still appear. The employment type identifies whether the job is part-time, temporary, etc. The listed compensation will appear if it is being advertised.
- View Job - appears under the “Apply Now” button and takes you to the job details page. Keep reading to learn more about this.
Job Details Page
Title Details
When you land on a job detail page, the page's title will be at the top, with an “Apply Now” button and the option to “Save Job” indicated by the heart.
The “Job ID” and “Days Posted” appear in the lower right corner. The job ID is an important number. If you call to speak with a recruiter or anyone at Kelly about a specific job, it’s crucial that you are prepared to give them the job ID—as that is the only way to ensure the recruiter can identify the job you wish to discuss.
Summary Banner
The banner is similar to the one you saw in the job review box. However, it will contain a little more information depending on the job. Use this to get oriented and ensure you’re spending time on a description you’re interested in.
Main Description
The content found in this section will vary depending on the job. You can expect a high-level overview, a list of job duties, experience requirements, and instructions for applying.
Make sure to read this thoroughly before applying.
Right sidebar features
First, you will see a place to sign up for job alerts. You should start now if you’re not taking advantage of this feature. Take the hassle out of trying to stay updated. You'll be notified when new jobs are posted in the areas you’re looking for.
Next, you’ll see our options for sharing—social media, links, and email. Share jobs with friends with a post, link, or email.
Similar Jobs
Cards displaying similar jobs can be found under the main description. Click on these to see jobs that fit the same criteria used for the job listing you’re currently viewing.