Substitute Teacher Story: Niels Billund

Niels Billund - Substitute Teacher

Reading Time: 2 minutes Retired nurse finds fulfillment in substitute teaching and music. Growing up in Denmark, Niels Billund has always had a passion for helping people. In his twenties, he thought that he was going to be a teacher. He even started down that path in college. Then, he changed his mind and became a nurse. Fast-forward 35…

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Substitute Teacher Story: Claire Mayberry

Claire Mayberry - Substitute Teacher

Reading Time: 3 minutes Newlywed grad student finds the flexibility of substitute teaching helpful.  Claire Mayberry loves math. She graduated college with a degree in mechanical engineering, then landed a dream job.   It didn’t take her long to figure out that sitting in a cubical, working 8-5, wasn’t for her. It didn’t feel meaningful. Claire did some soul searching.…

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Substitute Teacher Story: Nealie Diggs

Nealie Diggs _Substitute Teacher

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Retired business owner, golfer, and actress adds substitute teacher to the things that bring her joy. Nealie Diggs has made a career out of helping people rise. Her passion is inspiring others to achieve their dreams. She started out in human resources at IBM, became a social worker, joined a national non-profit called INROADS,…

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Substitute Teacher Story: Jeff Stark

Jeff Stark - Substitute Teacher

Reading Time: 2 minutes Jeff Stark Story | Retired Spanish teacher turned substitute teacher. At age 72, Jeff Stark’s “spark” continues to enlighten students. After 38 years as a Spanish teacher in middle and high school, he retired. But he wasn’t quite ready to leave the classroom. In fact, becoming a substitute teacher was the only next step he…

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Retired teachers — considering becoming a substitute teacher?

A retired teacher with a student.

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Once a teacher retires, it’s common to miss being in the classroom. Many still want to work and inspire students. Some retired teachers also miss the sense of community they had with other faculty and staff members. Others would like to supplement their retirement income to cover increasing costs of travel or hobbies.  At…

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Substitute Teacher Story: William Reich

William Reich Substitute Teacher

Reading Time: 2 minutes Grad student, photographer, graphic designer finds purpose and flexibility as a substitute teacher. Finding a job after college graduation can be an exciting (and nerve-wracking) time. William Reich did it, only to have his graphic design job eliminated two months later. Unemployment was not the vision he had. So, after months of sending out resumes,…

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Culturing Career Success: Career Advice for Biomanufacturing Professionals

Automated machine.

Reading Time: 2 minutes This Expert Exchange session featured a conversation with Kelly Science & Clinical VP of Recruiting, Angela Stewart, and Kelly Science & Clinical Intelligence Director, Emmanuelle Hoarau. Here’s what you missed: Skills in demand Salary trends Tips for growing your career Plus, dozens of jobs in biomanufacturing that our team is actively recruiting for. You can…

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How much do substitute teachers get paid?

A teacher in a classroom with students raising their hands.

Reading Time: 3 minutes   If you are considering becoming a substitute teacher, congratulations! It’s one of the most rewarding jobs out there.  You might be wondering how much does a substitute teacher make? Is there an average substitute teacher salary? Good questions to ask as compensation is an important part of why most people go to work! Let’s…

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Why military veterans should consider becoming a substitute teacher.

A teacher welcomes students in front of a classroom door.

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Working in schools is rewarding work that requires a service mindset. It’s filled with people who want to make a difference and impact on the future. This is just one of many reasons why U.S. military veterans should consider becoming a substitute teacher.  At Kelly Education, we know that people who have served our…

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What are substitute teacher duties and responsibilities?

A teacher among elementary students, explaining a lesson with some materials.

Reading Time: 3 minutes   There are few jobs quite as rewarding as teaching. Becoming a substitute teacher is a great way to experience to feel fulfilled, but on your own terms and schedule.  Substitute teachers come from all walks of life and backgrounds, from former lawyers and firefighters to stay-at-home parents and military spouses. Aside from meeting your…

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