How to become a substitute teacher in Pennsylvania.

Do you have what it takes to be a positive influence on students in the classroom? If you’re passionate about making a difference but also want a flexible career option, consider becoming a substitute teacher in Pennsylvania.
Kelly Education works with more than 80 school districts across the state, so we’re experts in facilitating the hiring and credentialing process for candidates who want to start substitute teaching in Pennsylvania. If you want to work in one of our partner schools, we’ll even help you through the substitute teacher certification process.
From background checks to fingerprinting to training, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has specific requirements for all substitute teachers (even for emergency posts). Remember that some school districts, especially private institutions, can set employment conditions beyond the state’s requirements. The posted substitute teacher job description should include additional hiring terms.
Minimum Pennsylvania state requirements, at a glance*:
- A Pennsylvania teaching license or an Emergency (Type 06) permit
- A bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalency) in any field
- Employment verification to work in the U.S.
- PDE fingerprinting, background clearances, and trainings
- Pre-credential training
In addition to Pennsylvania state requirements, Kelly Education requires:
- Online application
- Background check
- Pre-hire training (Note: Our pre-hire training course satisfies the state’s requirement mentioned above for pre-credential training)
- New hire orientation
Exact qualifications vary depending on the length of the assignment and each school’s specific needs.
A deeper dive into substitute teacher requirements and credentialing.
The hiring timeline largely depends on your prior education credentials. However, if you possess a bachelor’s degree, the process takes about 1-3 weeks from start to finish—this includes applications, background checks, training, and orientation. Your commitment to the process will determine how quickly we can get you into the classroom.
The state generally requires all substitute teachers to be licensed through the PDE. However, because of recent teacher shortages, the state allows for certain exceptions.
- Individuals with an inactive license can substitute for a limited number of assignments per year.
- The school can issue a special permit if a district cannot find a fully qualified employee. Individuals filling more urgent vacancies can opt for this Emergency 06 permit (often called the “Sub License”), but substitute teachers with this credential can only accept teaching assignments within said districts. The emergency permit has a small fee, but if you work with Kelly Education, we cover the cost.
Education verification.
Generally, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree, regardless of major—even for most emergency postings. Contact your undergraduate institution to request copies of your academic transcripts to start the process. Official transcripts typically cost about $15. You can request a physical copy through the mail which can take upwards of a week to arrive, but most institutions provide a downloadable PDF version.
While only accepted by some Pennsylvania school districts, a path exists for individuals currently enrolled in a bachelor’s program. The Prospective Substitute Teacher Program (PA Act 86) allows education majors actively engaged in a Pennsylvania teacher preparation degree to work as substitute teachers for one school year. Interested individuals must have at least 60 completed credit hours and can work up to 10 straight days for the same instructor.
Employment verification.
To work as a substitute teacher, you must verify your eligibility to work in the U.S. through the Department of State’s I-9 form. The form is relatively simple, but you must provide valid identification credentials. Again, if working with a Kelly Education recruiter, we can guide you through this step.
Background check and fingerprinting.
In Pennsylvania, any individual working directly with students must pass three background checks:
- Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance
- Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Records Check
- Federal Criminal History Record Information (CHRI)
For a background check, you’ll complete some basic forms and submit a photo ID. Both the PDE and Kelly Education require you to submit fingerprints as well. Submitting documentation and undergoing fingerprinting are simple steps, but the system can take several days to process your results. The costs vary, but you will pay less than $75.
Any employee who interacts with minors must pass Act 126 Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training. The state provides a free three-hour online training course that meets these requirements.
All prospective Kelly Education substitute teachers must also complete our pre-hire training, regardless of their teaching experience. We require that candidates complete a free ClassSmarts training course, which fulfills the PDE’s pre-credential training requirement. The course is available online and takes 1-1.5 hours to complete.
In addition to the free training course, Kelly Education requires all hired substitute teachers to complete our New Hire Orientation training. The orientation is a one-hour online commitment that outlines Kelly Education and the school district’s policies and procedures.
Getting started with Kelly Education and our school district partners.
Kelly Education is looking for amazing people like you to become substitute teachers in Pennsylvania. So don’t delay! To get started, fill out our brief interest form. One of our education recruiters will contact you to answer any questions and walk you through the substitute teacher hiring process.
Learn more about our substitute teacher jobs near you!
* Information subject to change. This is a general guideline. School districts may have more requirements, in addition to state requirements.
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