How to become a substitute teacher in Vermont.

With more than 80,000 students in 100 school districts, there’s a great need for motivated people — like you — to become substitute teachers in Vermont. Students need dedicated people to lead classrooms when their teachers are absent.
Kelly Education hires substitute teachers for hundreds of school districts across the country, including Vermont. We’re experts in guiding candidates through the hiring process.
Below are the minimum state requirements to become a substitute teacher in Vermont. Keep in mind that individual districts may establish their own requirements above what the state mandates. Those extra requirements for a substitute teaching position are listed in the district’s job description.
Minimum Vermont state requirements, at a glance*:
- Certification: None required
- Education: High school diploma or equivalent
- Employment verification to work in the U.S.
- Fingerprinting
In addition to Vermont state requirements, Kelly Education requires:
- Background check
- Pre-hire training
- New hire orientation
A deeper dive into substitute teacher requirements.
You do not need a license or permit to become a substitute teacher in Vermont. However, a high school diploma or equivalent is required. Remember that it can take time to gather all the hiring and onboarding materials.
Education verification.
You’ll need to request your academic transcripts from your high school and send them to the district or Kelly Education. If you do have college credits or a degree, it’s always a good idea to share that as well. Some districts pay more for additional education.
The district or institution may have a small fee to process your request. Keep in mind that it may take a few days for the institution to process the transcript for you.
Employer verification.
You must demonstrate that you are legally able to work in the U.S. To do so, fill out an I-9 form to verify employment eligibility. You’ll need to show valid forms of identification along with the completed form. It takes just a few minutes. If working within a Kelly Education district, our recruiter will assist you if you need any help.
Background check and fingerprinting.
Fingerprint screening is a state requirement, but it’s handled by the district. You may be able to do this at the local police station, and the fingerprint receipt is then returned to the district human resources office. You’ll need to bring one or two federal or state government-issued IDs (driver’s license, state ID card, etc.). The background check fee is $13.25 and can be paid by cash or check.
If you’ll be working for a Kelly Education partner school district, we’ll also run a National Sex Offender registry check and county criminal check.
The state of Vermont does not mandate training, but some districts do require it. Be sure to read the job posting or ask the human resources contact to learn more.
Kelly Education requires that all our substitute teachers complete a free pre-hire ClassSmarts online training that discusses such topics as the legal obligations of educators, ethics of teaching, and classroom management techniques. Once hired, applicants must also complete our New Hire Orientation module. This paid orientation covers Kelly Education procedures and policies and those specific to the district you’ll work in.
Getting started with Kelly Education and our school district partners.
Kelly Education helps applicants meet the requirements to become substitute teachers, and we’d be glad to share our expertise with you.
Want to learn more about our substitute teaching opportunities in Vermont? Fill out our brief interest form and one of our recruiters will contact you to answer your questions about our substitute teacher jobs near you!
* Information subject to change. This is a general guideline. School districts may have more requirements, in addition to state requirements.
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